quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010
sábado, 20 de março de 2010
Aula Aberta "The Rise of New PlaNET (international communication 2.0) and the Trends of Emerging web-native world"
"The Rise of New PlaNET (international communication 2.0) and the Trends of Emerging web-native world".
Prof. Kazimierz Krzysztofek, PhD
(Institute of Sociology, University of Bialystok, Poland)
Data: 3ª Feira - 23 Março de 2010 das 14 às 17h.
Local: Universidade do Minho, Complexo Pedagógico 3 - Gualtar. Sala 3.301
I - Rise of the Global Communication 2.0: From Institutions to Networks
The lecture is meant at giving an answer to important question what kind of culture is emerging in international networks, what cultural activities of people on the net are like and what future they will create, how they will feature the international communication thus tracking the future trends of social and cultural development, in what degree this will be a continuity and in what measure new cultures will change the world in generations to come. International communication as a term seems a bit obsolete as we do not really know what the very word “nation” means nowadays. That is why when talking about communication 2.0 the “global communication” seems more relevant.
II. Emerging web native world: cultural and institutional time lag
Here I attempt at answering a question what a new quality the present day Web–coined 2.0 – creates as a product of digital network technologies of cooperation and user generated contents. The Author reflects on the nature of this emergent phenomenon: to what extent it is an open participatory system of information/knowledge creation and distribution beyond markets and corporations, in what measure a new system of market regulation and in what degree a self-regulating and self-poietic system to use the Niklas Luhman’s term, and, finally, what cultural and institutional change it brings about. To get a better grip of the nature of this change a general conceptual framework has to be conceived that is based on legitimate principles of power and freedom in networks.
Brief CV
Kazimierz Krzysztofek's fields of research and scholarly competence include: the impact of information technology on the arts; the implications of IT for cultural industries and culture production, distribution, and consumption; and community cultures and civil society. Since 1994 (until 2000) he worked at the Institute of Culture as Director for Research. He has been Professor of Sociology at the University of Bialystok since 1997, vice-president of the Pro Cultura Foundation and a member of the Polish Academy of Science Committee for Forecasting "Poland 2000Plus" since 1995. Since 2000 he has been professor of sociology at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology in Warsaw. ;; He is also a member of the International Studies Association, as well as a member and former board member of the European network of research institutes on culture and culture documentation centers (CIRCLE). In 1987/88 he was senior Fulbright scholar in the MIT Center for International Studies (Program on International Communication) and in 1996, a visiting lecturer at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pa, He has published widely and received numerous awards and honours. I.a. he is co-author of the university text-book : Understanding Human Development: from traditional to information society (2002), as well as UNDP Report” Poland on the way to Information Society: Logging on (2003)
No âmbito das aulas de "Trabalho e Culturas Profissionais" do Curso de Sociologia
Apoios : Departamento de Sociologia, Curso de Sociologia, Programa ERASMUS.
quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010
Vídeos sobre o Taylorismo - Aula nº 3 - 18 de Março 2010
Taylor e a Administração Científíca
Filme - "Ford and Taylor in the 1920s
"In the 1920s, Ford Motor Co. was considered the leader in manufacturing technology and practices. Elements of Taylor's scientific management were combined with what economists now call "efficiency wages" (wages well above the general market).
1 parte
2ª parte
Filme "Working at Ford in the 1920s
In the 1920s, Ford Motor Co. was considered the leader in manufacturing technology and practices. Elements of Taylor's scientific management were combined with what economists now call "efficiency wages" (wages well above the general market - the famous $5 day). In this video, workers and others of that era reflect on working at Ford. Some are positive; others not.
1ª parte
http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=QtYRLtT8bvY2ª partehttp://br.youtube.com/watch?v=1Re-yUnO-Hk
O taylorismo e o fordismo: continua actualmente?
Filme - "Beat of the System"
This video explores Taylorism: it's origins and its relevance today.
A visão crítica dos sociólogos
Video about mcdonaldizations - baseado no livro de G. Ritzer "Mcdonaldization of society"