quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010

Vídeos sobre o Taylorismo - Aula nº 3 - 18 de Março 2010

Filmes sobre Frederic W. Taylor e Henri Ford

Taylor e a Administração Científíca

Filme - "Ford and Taylor in the 1920s

"In the 1920s, Ford Motor Co. was considered the leader in manufacturing technology and practices. Elements of Taylor's scientific management were combined with what economists now call "efficiency wages" (wages well above the general market).

1 parte


2ª parte



Filme "Working at Ford in the 1920s

In the 1920s, Ford Motor Co. was considered the leader in manufacturing technology and practices. Elements of Taylor's scientific management were combined with what economists now call "efficiency wages" (wages well above the general market - the famous $5 day). In this video, workers and others of that era reflect on working at Ford. Some are positive; others not.

1ª parte

http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=QtYRLtT8bvY2ª partehttp://br.youtube.com/watch?v=1Re-yUnO-Hk

O taylorismo e o fordismo: continua actualmente?

Filme - "Beat of the System"

This video explores Taylorism: it's origins and its relevance today.



A visão crítica dos sociólogos

Video about mcdonaldizations - baseado no livro de G. Ritzer "Mcdonaldization of society"


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